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Redemption Hill at a Glance
Redemption Hill is a group of imperfect disciples of Jesus, existing as a family of servant missionaries for the glory of God and the good of our city. If you’re new to town, aren’t sure about Jesus or church, or are simply seeking a church family, we want to be clear about who we are and what we are aiming for.
What is our mission as a church?
It is our mission that every man, woman, and child in the Lewiston/Auburn area would have a daily encounter with Jesus in word and deed.
What is our vision for accomplishing that?
We will be a family of missionary servants, united around the gospel, that gather together, give together, grow together, and go together for the glory of Jesus Christ.
Who we are
formed by the gospel
God, in his grace, chose a people for himself before the foundation of the world (Eph. 1:4). Despite our rejection and rebellion against him (Rom. 3:23), he sent Jesus to save us by bearing our punishment on himself. It is by undeserved grace that we are saved (Eph. 2:4-7). However, in doing so, God didn’t just save us from our sin but saved us into a family, his family. This is the supreme act of love, that through what Christ has done, we can be called God’s children and we are brothers and sisters together (1 John 3:1). Family can be messy but what unites us is the gospel: that we are all sinners saved by grace from our sin and into the family of God.
humbled by the gospel
If Christ humbled himself by coming down to earth and dying on a cross for us, then we should be a humble people, intent on serving one another (Phil. 2:1-11). In the body of Christ, we are all members with different roles and different gifts (1 Cor. 12:12-27), all with the aim of building up the family of God to be more like Christ (1 Cor. 14:12). At the heart of a gospel community is a posture of others-centeredness. We serve because Christ has served us. We give because Christ gave himself for us. We love because Christ has loved us.
sent by the gospel
God is a missional God; therefore, we should be a missional people. As God’s people, we are his ambassadors in the world, picturing and proclaiming the gospel of reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:20). We join in the mission of God to make disciples because of what he has done for us (Matt. 28:18-20). As his representatives, this also means we mimic the heart of God for all people and seek the flourishing of our city and care for those who are on the fringes of society (James 1:27). In the gospel, we were the orphan, the widow, the immigrant, and the outcast. Because of the gospel, we have been brought in the family of God to serve one another and declare to the world through both word and deed that there can be peace with God and joy in him.
Join Us
Whether a Sunday Gathering, a Missional Community, or a church event, we’re honored to have guests!
Sunday Gathering
Our Sunday Gathering meets weekly at 10 AM at 550 Lisbon St. Lewiston, Maine 04240. We pray, we sing, we hear from God's Word, and we spur one another on to live as a family of missionary servants.